To Infinity and BEYOND Youth Retreat

It's THIS weekend! First things first. Don't forget that that tomorrow night at youth, my sister Jen is coming to set up our weekend by talking about her recent time in Africa. She'll have pictures and stories about how God takes you from ONE places and can drop you in ANOTHER!

The theme of the weekend is, "To Infinity and Beyond... how far does God want you to go??"

For Friday, here are details (that could change at anytime so stay tuned :)

7pm: Arrive at Freedom House City Center with:
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Pillow
  • Air Mattress if you want one
  • Toothbrush
  • Board Games you might like to play
  • Your own snacks and drinks
  • 25$
  • Bible, pad of paper, pen
  • Things that will help you smell clean in the morning
  • An expectation of great things and a good attitude!
  • Worship and Session#1 called "And now it's time for cooking with poo with Ezekiel"
  • Nice eh? I'll be teaching maybe my favorite story in Bible about how to be an "Incredibly cool weirdo"
10pm: Board games, snacks, and back by popular demand.... DARK GAMES!!! If you want to have snacks or evening food... make sure you bring your own!!!

12pm until 8am: Sleep. Yes you heard me... sleep. SLEEEEP!!!!

8am: Breakfast

9am: Session #2 called "The Ephod". We'll begin to explore what our personal giftings and personal purposes are. WHY God wants us to be us... and HOW He sets up His Kingdom so we can whisper in his ear.

11am: Pack up your stuff and clean up the church.

12pm- 1pm: Lunch time. (Parents please note that as the time of writing this email, there hasn't been anyone commit to bringing lunch so plans are flexible right now. If you can help, please email Michelle Jones at

2pm (or so... weekend show times have not yet been released):

We'll be all going as a group to see Disney/Pixar's new HIGHLY touted... cutting edge 3D movie "UP" at the Brantford Galaxy Cinemas. The Movie is included in the price of the weekend. I'm personally PHYSCED about seeing this!

4:30 (ish) : Parents pick up the youth at the Galaxy Cinemas. I'll send out another email with the specific time once the weekend showtimes come out.

Guys remember how we ended our weekend last time? It was amazing. To get to that place on Friday Night... we need to do 2 things.

1. Come prepared to worship
2. Worship!

Please email me ( or Facebook me to tell me if you or your friends are coming! Love you guys and I'll see you tomorrow!


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