
Showing posts from February, 2013

February 22nd

Hello!  This week we are going to have a movie night at the church from 7pm-930pm. Remember your Freshwind money ($40) is due this Friday! Also you should all be convincing your parents, your parents friends, your aunts and uncles, your grandparents....and who ever else you can think of to buy tickets to the gameshow fundraiser night! The tickets are $15 or a couple for $25 and it is March 1st. See everyone on Friday! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

February 15th

Hey Everyone!  With Frosty Fest this weekend, wouldn't it be super awesome if we helped out on Friday to get some stuff set up?  Yea, we thought so too ;) So come with warm clothing in case your task is outside, and meet at the church at 7pm - pick up at 9pm.  Also, remember your $40 for Freshwind is due before February 25th! Hope to see all of you there! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Fundraiser date change

Hey everyone, we have decided to change to date of our fundraiser to Friday March 1st for a few reasons, mostly we think we will have more people able to come on this date.  Thanks everyone! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

youth cancelled!!!

Youth has been cancelled due to mass quantities of white fluffy stuff on the should all go outside and build a HUGE snowfort and post pictures on fb :)  Can't wait to see all the forts! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

February 8th

Hey everyone, youth will be at Freedom House from 7-9pm this week. ~ Distinct Youth Leaders