
Showing posts from November, 2016

Youth for December 2nd.. Yup, I said December...

Hi EVERYONE...!! Just wanted to drop a quick note out to everyone to say that we will be meeting at the church from 7-9 on this Friday... Sarah and Trevor are back from Florida and looking forward to seeing everyone this week :) We will be spending some time together preparing for the next few weeks (Living Nativity next Friday and Year End Our Ugly Sweater Party the following), as well as hanging out together having a great time!! Can't wait to see you all Friday night :)  ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Trampolining.... In the Dark...!!

Hey All you wonderful people... How do you make trampolining better you ask?? how about doing it under BLACK LIGHTS!!   Here's what you need to know.... We are leaving the church at 7:00 and heading to Kitchener.  We will be returning around 10:00 to the church for pick up (kids will text when we are on our way).  You need to wear something either white or light coloured as it will be dark inside the arena and we don't want anyone getting hurt as it's easy to miss someone.   Cost is $25.00 / jumper plus HST (we will be jumping from 7:45 or so until we are all ready to leave).  We also recommend you send some money with your kids as they will likely need a drink and / or snack during the evening. We would really like to know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend so we can hold spots for us all!! See you Friday.   ~ Distinct Youth Leaders