
Showing posts from April, 2009

Post Youth ... Breakin' Down

After Youth Tonight... things got kinda crazy. Hey next week is our 2nd Annual Photo Scavenger Hunt. Be at the church ready to roll at 7pm sharp! We'll be heading out into the city to try and find tickets hidden at obscure locations! Stay tuned


Tomorrow at youth... we're going to be starting a series about Relationships. How we all get along. In a youth group... over the next bunch of years... we'll all spend a WHOLE LOT of time together and relationships aresoooooo important. So starting tomorrow for the next bunch of weeks, we'll be meeting at the church and watching a video to start with the bigger group... then we'll head into the lounge and chat together just with the youth. Stay tuned because we've got some fun stuff on the way this month too! Cya tomorrow! Dave