Sex, Love and Relationships (THE GOOD)

Last week was a real... ummm... eye opener I hope! This week, we're continuing to talk about love, SEX, and relationships. And if you missed last week, yes we're actually talking very openly about sex. Get your questions ready because you'll have the chance to ask anonymous questions again.

This week we're talking about the good parts. We're talking about what we can do right now with our sexual thoughts, which are right and which are wrong, and how we can make sure we are preparing now for the one that God has prepared for us in the future.

We'll also practice our murder mystery play further so come prepared to participate. The following week is our formal fundraiser banquet so tell your parents asap and get them to commit to coming for a 10$ dinner and show on the 26th to help raise money for our youth conference coming up over the Easter Weekend. Let Trevor or Sarah know ASAP who you have coming!


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