
Showing posts from February, 2010


Family and Friends of Freedom House... may I have your attention please. Tomorrow night Friday Night February 26th... "Distinct: Freedom House Youth" are thrilled to invite you to a FORMAL MURDER MYSTERY BANQUET! Guests, dressed in formal attire, shall arrive at the Freedom House City Centre at 7pm and will be seated by... and treated to a wonderful spaghetti dinner courtesy of the teenagers of Freedom House. Throughout the evening, the youth will entertaining guests during the meal by performing a theatrical interactive murder mystery show. At the end of the night... your table will be given the chance to solve the murder ! Tickets are 10$ each and the proceeds will help offset the cost for our upcoming youth conference in Toronto. It's called the "Freshwind" Youth Conference April 1st-3rd in Toronto. We're going to be staying in Toronto for 2 nights and will be worshiping with HUNDREDS of other hungry youth from across Ontario. There are a number of ...

Sex, Love and Relationships (THE GOOD)

Last week was a real... ummm... eye opener I hope! This week, we're continuing to talk about love, SEX, and relationships. And if you missed last week, yes we're actually talking very openly about sex. Get your questions ready because you'll have the chance to ask anonymous questions again. This week we're talking about the good parts. We're talking about what we can do right now with our sexual thoughts, which are right and which are wrong, and how we can make sure we are preparing now for the one that God has prepared for us in the future. We'll also practice our murder mystery play further so come prepared to participate. The following week is our formal fundraiser banquet so tell your parents asap and get them to commit to coming for a 10$ dinner and show on the 26th to help raise money for our youth conference coming up over the Easter Weekend. Let Trevor or Sarah know ASAP who you have coming!

It's LOVE month

I don't know if you've noticed... but love is everywhere in February. And at Distinct... it's no different. The next 3 weeks, we're going to explore MANY aspects of love. This Friday: THE BAD We're going to be breaking into small groups with those who are our same gender and age group... and we're going to talk about the pitfalls of love, sex and relationship as a teenager and how to resist temptation and deal with our "feelings" God's way. This is going to be a VERY open... VERY honest... and VERY important and impacting night where we plan on being very real so come prepared for a VERY memorable night at youth! Next Friday: THE GOOD We'll go back into our small groups and with a similar tone and frankness... we're going to discus the Good part of love, sex and relationships. What we should be looking for in a boyfriend/girlfriend/future spouse... how God sees our physical selves in a GOOD way and more. THEN... we're going to start ...

RAK Attack Night

This Friday at youth... we're RAK Attacking Brantford! Here's the plan. We'll meet at the church at 7pm sharp. From there, we're going to chat a bit about WHY we do Random Acts of Kindness and HOW God can use it. Then we'll be headed out in team with fists full of MITTENS! In the winter, what's more needed than mittens?? So we'll be going to hills, malls and wherever we can find people out in the cold and saying, "Hi... I'm ____Your Name here________ from the Freedom House Youth Group. We just wanted to give you some mittens tonight to show you God's love in a practical way" and then see what God does. Who knows... you may get to be the instigator of change in someones life this Friday. We'll also be giving out flyer's for Frosty Fest... our Winter Carnival coming up Feb 13-15 in Harmony Square. It's going to be an amazing way to go even further to show God's love in a tangible way. And WE NEED YOU to make Frosty ...