
Showing posts from March, 2009

Youth Prayer

Well... given that we're doing a week of 24/7 Prayer... what do you think we'll be doing this week at youth? CORRECT! Wednesday night for youth... meet at the church at the regular time. We'll chat in the main room for a few minutes then head into the 24/7 Prayer room. Cya then!

Youth Service Tonight

Looking forward to tonight as my good buddy Trevor Nelson is gonna be sharing what God's put on his heart as we get together and worship again! You remember what it all felt like when we pressed in and worshiped together at the youth retreat? Well God tells us that we move from "Glory to Glory" and that "Everyday with You is Sweeter than the day before". So what that means... is that when we get together today... we have the opportunity for it to be even better than the youth retreat if we press in. Looking forward to tonight! See you at 7pm!

It's time to RAK Attack again

Little switch 'em up for March Break. We're going to move our next Youth Service until next week (the 25th) and because it's supposed to be so warm... we're going to do a RAK Attack (Random Acts of Kindness) this week. Since part of what youth is about is learning to lead and influence, we're going to be going with, and helping the LAFF Academy with this week's Servant Evangelism. We've done a number of these so we'll be able to help some of the younger kids so they can get in on the fun too! We have some preparation work for this one... so anyone who can... we'll be meeting at the church at 6pm to help put "Captain Kindness" labels on bottles of water. Remember? Like a drinkable version of Krissy! So please come at 6pm if you can and 7pm we'll get movin! Cya Wednesday! Dave

Win Lose or Draw... and Ice Cream

Well I don't know if you've noticed... but it's a bit unsnowyfull for tobogganing. So what are we going to do? We're going to play one of everyone's favorite game show's from the 80's! Win, Lose or Draw! Check this out (if you're getting this by email, check out the blog here for a wild old YouTube clip) We'll also be doing ice cream sundaes so let's meet up at the church in the lounge at 7pm Wednesday Night!

What a weekend!

Honestly... what a weekend! It started off with THIS And ended up with THIS Don't forget what God did in you this weekend! You know What to dig... How to dig... Where to do... all that's left for you to do is.................... DIG!

Small Groups and "The Big Dig" Youth Retreat

It's a big week at youth this week! First thing's first. On Wednesday, we're splitting up the boys and the girls into small groups. Girls... you'll be meeting at our house (The Carrol's 71 Strathcona Ave) and the boys will be in the lounge at the church. For the girls... for convenience, you can get dropped off anytime after 6:30 and get picked up after. Now... Here's the program for the weekend which is going to be called... "The Big Dig" First off, the weekend will only cost 20 dollars to help cover costs and the meals will be provided. Please be at the Freedom House City Center at 7pm Friday Night. Session #1: "Why do we dig ? " Exploring why we should even bother spending our days shouting at the sky? Sleepover: We'll be locking the mall doors and sleeping over! There will be games of all kinds (from many eras)... light, dark, video, board... it will be a blast Session #2 (The Pajama Session): "How do we dig?" D...