RAK Attack Night!

This week at youth... it's our monthly Random Act of Kindness Night! Last week, you'll remember, we walked around our new neighborhood (the heart of the city) and looked... listened... observed what the climate of the area was. Then we analyzed it and identified the best way to let God's light shine in the darkness.

And what we came up with was... we're going to be giving away energy saver light bulbs to the people who live in the apartments downtown. Youth will all be with adult leaders of course.

I was talking with a Christian Brantford Paramedic this weekend about our RAK Attack and she said, "that will be great, because lots of those places don't have light bulbs!" Awesome!

When we're asked why? We simply say... that we're trying to show you how much God loves you in a practical way. You see... both practically and spiritually... light gets rid of darkness. Wednesday night, we WILL loose God's light into our new neighborhood.

Just so you know, you guys are awesome. You're becoming youth that are city changers! I'm pumped about it! See you 7pm Wednesday night by the fire! Bring warm clothes and toques as we WILL be going outside.

PS... don't forget to book of March 6th and 7th for our Freedom House Youth Retreat!


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