How do we change a city?
Last week's RAK Attack was amazing. Check out the video evidence... This week at youth... we're digging even further into the question of, "How do I change my city?" at our Freedom House Youth Service 7pm at the City Center. This weekend, I got to hang out with a room full of people who PRAY pray at the 24/7 Prayer National Meeting. One guy from Vancouver and his group have been praying for 4 years... non stop!!! But they don't just pray... they change the city! This is a picture of me and him hanging out in a tunnel UNDER Niagara Falls! For real! We'll learn more about it Wednesday Night... come ready to worship! Also please email me ( ) ASAP if you are coming to all or part of the 1st ever Freedom House Youth Retreat March 6th and 7th. There will likely be a very small cost but nothing out of anyone's reach. Leaders and youth... please confirm one way or another ASAP! Thanks! Cya Wednesday! Dave