This week at Youth...

Hey Everyone!!

The excitement is mounting as we are only 1 week away from FRESHWIND 2017!!!!!  We have registered, the hotel rooms are booked and I hope you are all EXPECTING the best from the long weekend away (link for conference details!!  

Having said that, this week we will be getting together at the church to hang out, play some games and chat a little bit about the fact that God is not just about a weekend... It's going to be a great night and we hope a great lead into our upcoming Freshwind trip!!

Usual time 7-9 and we look forward to seeing everyone on Friday!!
~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Please NOTE - there is an attachment on the email for Heath Card information.  If you are coming to Freshwind we MUST have one of these forms completed to ensure all appropriate information is on file before we go away!!


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