Chicopee Tubing

Hey all you wonderful humans...

As discussed last week at youth (and the week before) we will be heading to Chicopee for a few hours of tubing on Friday night.  Please see the details below so you don't miss out or come unprepared!!!

COST - $21.00 + HST for 2 hours of tubing (we will be stopping for a snack on the way home so we recommend sending your child with $30.00)

TIME - We will be meeting at the church for 6:20 or so as we need to be on the road by 6:30.  We will be returning between 10:30 and 11:00 (youth will text as we travel) and pick up will be at the church as well.

We NEED to know who is planning to come and if you are bringing friends to ensure we have appropriate drivers and cars so PLEASE get back to us either via email, text or Facebook no later than Thursday night.

If you have any questions please let us know, otherwise we will see you all on Friday night!!


~ Distinct Youth Leaders


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