Living Nativity Youth Night

Hey Everyone... With the Living Nativity happening this weekend and half our youth leaders either being in or supporting the show we will not officially be having "youth" however we will (Sarah and I) be attending the 7:00 show.  We will be meeting at the doors outside the Dalhousie Street entrance until 6:50 or so and then heading down to the square.  We will not be heading back to the church after the show so PARENTS - please be aware the show will end around 7:45 and you will be responsible to pick up your youth at that time!

We do hope you all come out and check out the show... Bring a friend and we look forward to seeing you all Friday night!!

IMPORTANT NOTE - Next week will be our final youth night of 2016 and we will be doing our regular Ugly Sweater Christmas Party.  Please keep an eye on your emails early next week for the rest of the details...


~ Distinct Youth Leaders


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