
Showing posts from 2016

Youth Ugly Christmas Sweater Party

Merry Christmas everyone...!!  This week will be our last week of youth before the holidays and as such we will be having our annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party!!  We have some great games planned (all with a Christmas twist) as well as some other cool surprises for the night!! What to bring...  Well, an ugly sweater or classic Christmas PJ's would work...  Also we need to bring a $5.00 gift for our classic gift exchange game!! We can't wait to see you all out for the night (7-9 at the church)  :) ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Living Nativity Youth Night

Hey Everyone... With the Living Nativity happening this weekend and half our youth leaders either being in or supporting the show we will not officially be having "youth" however we will (Sarah and I) be attending the 7:00 show.  We will be meeting at the doors outside the Dalhousie Street entrance until 6:50 or so and then heading down to the square.  We will not be heading back to the church after the show so PARENTS - please be aware the show will end around 7:45 and you will be responsible to pick up your youth at that time! We do hope you all come out and check out the show... Bring a friend and we look forward to seeing you all Friday night!! IMPORTANT NOTE - Next week will be our final youth night of 2016 and we will be doing our regular Ugly Sweater Christmas Party.  Please keep an eye on your emails early next week for the rest of the details... Thanks, ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Youth for December 2nd.. Yup, I said December...

Hi EVERYONE...!! Just wanted to drop a quick note out to everyone to say that we will be meeting at the church from 7-9 on this Friday... Sarah and Trevor are back from Florida and looking forward to seeing everyone this week :) We will be spending some time together preparing for the next few weeks (Living Nativity next Friday and Year End Our Ugly Sweater Party the following), as well as hanging out together having a great time!! Can't wait to see you all Friday night :)  ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Trampolining.... In the Dark...!!

Hey All you wonderful people... How do you make trampolining better you ask?? how about doing it under BLACK LIGHTS!!   Here's what you need to know.... We are leaving the church at 7:00 and heading to Kitchener.  We will be returning around 10:00 to the church for pick up (kids will text when we are on our way).  You need to wear something either white or light coloured as it will be dark inside the arena and we don't want anyone getting hurt as it's easy to miss someone.   Cost is $25.00 / jumper plus HST (we will be jumping from 7:45 or so until we are all ready to leave).  We also recommend you send some money with your kids as they will likely need a drink and / or snack during the evening. We would really like to know as soon as possible if you are planning to attend so we can hold spots for us all!! See you Friday.   ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Guys / Girls Night

Hey All, We are going a Guys and Girls night on Friday!!  Regular hours 7-9 however locations will be different... for the guys we will be meeting at 4 Tanglewood Terr (Trevor and Sarah's house) and the girls will meet at 30 Gaydon Way (Alissa's place)... Can't wait to see you all for a great night!! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Freedom House Youth - Parents night...

Hey All, As you should all be aware of by now this Friday is our first ever "Parents Night"...  We are planning to show you all what we normally do at youth allowing you all to get involved, play games and engage in worship.  We will be opening up a short Q & A during the evening so please feel free to think about any questions you might have for us... We are really looking forward to seeing all our youth and their parents for what should be a GREAT night!! See you all on Friday night. ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Youth Bowling Night!!

FREEDOM HOUSE YOUTH BOWLING NIGHT COST $10.00 / player (shoes included) Meet at the church for 7:00pm

Youth for Friday October 7th...

Hey all you wonderful humans!! Here's what we have going on this week for youth on Friday night...  We are having a service together as well as playing some great games :) Looking forward to seeing you all there!! Regular time 7-9 at the church...

Youth Details - Sept 30, 2016

As mentioned last week please remember to  bring some money   (most items on the menu are $5.00 or less)  and dress prepared to walk.. We will be walking together to OMG Ice Cream for a snack and some great hangout time together while walking through the downtown as a group :)  ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Youth This Week..

Hey Hey all you awesome Youth... Week #2 is going to be as much fun as last week, that's for sure... We have some great games in the pipe for you all to enjoy as well as we are planning our first service of the year!!  We are really excited to kick off this portion of the year and know it will be a great time!! Bring your friends, bring yourselves and get ready for an awesome night :) See you all at 7:00 @ Freedom House (regular time 7-9).    ~ Distinct Youth Leaders


Hey all you awesome youths.... Please check out the attachment for details of this Friday's KICK OFF event...!! Details are all listed within the attached file  :) Can't wait to see you all out on Friday night!! Youth Leaders


Hey all you crazy awesome people.... This Friday will be our last official Friday night before the summer!!  As discussed last Friday we will be setting some specific dates to get together over the summer, it just won't be every Friday...  For our last event of the year we will be doing an ALL NIGHTER locked into the church!!  The night will start right at 7:00 Friday night and pick up will happen Saturday morning at 8:00 am sharp (please be prompt as the youth leaders will all be nearly ready to pass out by 8:00 with no sleep)... We have a ton of awesome games ready to go and as always we will be sure that NO ONE sleeps :) We will be feeding you breakfast so you wont have to worry about that but any drinks / snacks you want to bring please feel free to bring them with you as once the door is locked, there is no escape!! It's been a great year, and we are really looking forward to a fantastic end of the year ALL NIGHTER... See you all there :) ~ Di...

June 10th Update

Hi All, We will be meeting at the church on Friday night to play some cool games and more importantly hear some AMAZING testimonies from a few leaders!!  It's going to be a great night and I promise you will not want to miss it...  Regular times from 7-9!! See you all there... ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Campfire at the Carrol's

Hey Guys and Gals, This Friday we will be switching things up a little bit...  We will be meeting at the Carrol's house for a campfire in their back yard from 7-9...  Pick up and drop off will be at the Carrol's home (71 Strathcona Ave.) and you will be outside for the full 2 hours so please be prepared for the weather :) Dave will be sharing a few stories and I'm sure a few laughs with everyone!! See you all there... ~ Distinct Youth Leaders


Hey Everyone, We have a great night planned for youth on Friday!!  We will be meeting at the church for 7:00 (pick up will be as usual at 9:00 at the church) and heading out to a few different parks close to the church for some "Classic Picnic Games" together.. you know, all the games you play when you go to the FAMILY PICNIC every summer.....  Only, as usual for us, there will be a few twists and turns to contend with :) Looking forward to seeing everyone there.  Please dress as the weather would indicate and if you don't like remaining in wet clothing I recommend potentially bringing something to change into!! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

This week at the good old youth group...

Hey Guys and Gals... This week we will be chilling (hopefully not literally) at the Nelson's house for a May long weekend kick off backyard FIRE...  The night will be regular time from 7-9 so please remember to come prepared for the weather (nights are still getting a bit chilly even with a blazing fire). The Nelson's live at 4 Tanglewood Terr. Brantford, On. Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday night!! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

This week at youth...

Good evening all you wonderful youth.... This week we will be doing a RAK (Random Act of Kindness) together as a group!!  The details will get shared at the church so please arrive for 7:00 and pick up will be at 9:00 as per usual...  Please be sure you are prepared to be outside as we will likely be out for most of the night together :) Really looking forward to chilling with you all on Friday night!!   ~ Distinct Youth Leaders


Hi All, Sorry for the late notice, this week we will be meeting at the church for youth and running regular time (7-9)...  We have a quick service set up with games to play before and after together so it should be an awesome night!! We hope you all have had great weeks and can't wait to see you out on tonight for some great hang out time together!! Thank you,   ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

This week at youth...

Good evening all... This week we will be meeting together to hang out at the church from 7-9 as usual...  We will be playing some games together while we are there and even more exciting than that, Jacob will be sharing his story (AKA his testimony) for all to hear.  This is going to be a great night of open and honest conversations with one of our newest leaders and you totally shouldn't miss it!! Also, we are planning to go to Sky Zone the following week so we will have permission forms on Friday to hand out so we can be prepared to go!!  This is going to be another great night together but we need to know numbers so please chat with your folks so we can book a head (COST is approximately $20.00 depending on numbers and should still leave some money for everyone to hit up a snack on the way home)... See you all Friday!! ~ Distinct Youth Leaders
Good evening all.... With Freedom Encounter happening at the church Friday night we will be meeting at the Nelson's house (4 Tanglewood Terr) for a hang out and games night!!  Everyone should bring a snack to share with the group and if you have a game or two that you like playing bring it too!! If you need directions let us know, otherwise we will see you ALL Friday night :)   ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Youth - April 8, 2016

Good morning.... Sorry for the lateness of the communication, but we just wanted to let everyone know we will be meeting together at the church for 7:00 this week...  What are we doing you might ask.. well, I guess you'll have to show up to find out!!  The night will run for regular hours and will be GREAT!! Looking forward to seeing you all out :) ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

Youth - Friday April 1, 2016

Hey all you beautiful people!! Just wanted to remind you all that we will be getting together at the church Friday night from 7-9 to hang out, play some games and discuss last weekends festivities!!  We had a great weekend away (for those who were there) and we don't want to lose any momentum we gathered as at group!  This will be a great way for us to connect everyone with what God's doing and continue moving froward from here!! Can't wait to see you all on Friday :) ~ Distinct Youth Leaders

No Youth This Week!!!!

Just a friendly reminder that there is NO youth this week as it's March Break!!  We hope you are all having a GREAT week away from school and that those of you who were at the late nighter last week enjoyed the night!! Next week is FRESHWIND so I hope you're all pumped for a great weekend full of laughs and FUN!! We will be sending out a detailed note to everyone before next week so you are all aware of what to expect for the weekend :) ~ Distinct Youth Leaders


Hey Guys... hope you all are getting lots of sleep tonight because this week at youth we will be doing our first ever "LATE NIGHTER"....!!!!!!  We will be meeting at the church from 7-12 (midnight) where we will play a ton a great games together!!  We have some great events ready to go and it should be a great night!! Please make sure your parents are aware of the new times for Friday night and that pick up is at 12:00 midnight sharp. Can't wait to see you all there :)    ~ Distinct Youth Leaders
Hey, hey, hey..... Just wanted to send out a few reminders for this week and next....  This week we are going to meet at the church form 7-9 and we will be finalizing all the specifics for our fundraiser as well as trying out some of the challenges to ensure they work :).  We would love to see you all out to help prepare and have some laughs along the way!! PARENTS - Don't forget that next week is the fundraiser and you should ALL be there to support!  I have attached the poster for the event which will help you with the details and if you can please let us know ASAP if you will be attending that would be great.  We are trying to finalize food for the event so gathering all numbers is very important! Also, if your child is planning to attend Freshwind we are looking to collect the money for hotel costs no later than Friday March 11.  We are hoping that some of this fee will be covered by the money raised during next weeks event,...