United Way Sale and June 3rd

Hey Everyone! This Saturday, the 4th of June the youth are going to be running the concession for the United Way Sale. It is from 730am-6pm and we need volunteers!! Hopefully, we will make a bunch of money and it will go towards our Wonder Jam trip! Please call, text, facebook or email Sarah ASAP! We must know who can come to help out. We can do shifts, so let us know what times your available and we will work out a schedule.
Sarah's cell - 519-209-2537, email sarahmarienelson@gmail.com

This Friday, we will be doing a photo scavenger hunt!!! We will be meeting at the BMO parking lot, at 7pm SHARP!! Do not be late, or we will not be there. Pick up will be at the Williams entrance to the mall at 10pm - we will not be in the church because there is a wedding happening!


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