Kids Kids Kids Kids Kids Kids

Throughout the summer and into the fall... Freedom House on the whole is going to be learning about how to use kindness/service for 2 purposes.

  1. Inside the church
  2. Outside the church

We've used our RAK nights for primarily OUTSIDE reasons up to this point. But this Friday, our RAK Night is designed to care about people INSIDE the church.

This is the Freedom Encounter Weekend for many in the church including some of your parents and others with kids. So please be at the church by 6:45 and you guys are going to be watching the Freedom House kids from 7-10pm Friday Night in the LAFF Academy room.

Why? Really?
Yup... because it's kind. It's the right thing to do for people who have invested into you :)

So come with ideas about what to do... things to teach... games to play... videos to watch... or dream something new up!

See you Friday!


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