Freshwind Final info
OK here we go. The final details. We will be meeting at The Nelson's House (4 Tanglewood linked here) at 5:30 sharp Thursday. Please eat before you come.
*** Note... whether you've been sponsored or if you paid the full amount to Sarah you are still responsible to bring your own money for food for the weekend. 40$ is the recommended***
On the email I'll attach the FW schedule for the weekend.
To bring or not to bring:
- Bring a blanket/sleeping bag with you both for sleeping at the Haley/Nelson's AND there are no chairs in the main sessions at Freshwind. You lay a blanket on the floor during the sessions. So that's pretty cool.
- Bring pillows and sleeping/shower stuff... enough for 2 overnights.
- DO NOT bring your ipods or laptops or cell phone
- DO bring your Bible and Notebooks
-Swimming stuff in case there is time
Parents can pick your kids up at Midnight at The Nelson's (4 Tanglewood). If it's a different time, please get in touch with Sarah Nelson (519 209-2537) on her cell. It will be on for the conference so she'll be the lifeline or Krissy at home for our ETA (519 720-0645).
I will have my laptop so you can email me (Dave) or Sarah ( and we'll get your email as well.
We will be staying Friday Night at The Carling View hotel (linked here). The church we'll be at is TACF (linked here)
OK... I think we're ready to roll. See you 5:30pm Thursday! Be ready for a challenging and uplifting weekend!