Why Not City Missions this Friday Night

This is going to be a very special Friday Night in the life of "Distinct". We're going to Paris and joining up with the awesome folks at "Why Not City Missions Paris" (check the Facebook group linked here) who run a very active youth drop in center Friday Nights... and help them with their ministry tomorrow night!

Here's their vision:

"We have a dream to reach poor, homeless and at-risk youth in the City with powerful programs that impact their world. We have a dream those great and awesome things that we cannot yet see but know are there, looking at the positive potentials and not the problems... that together we can forge ahead into new horizons and successes and say... We Did It"

That's so great! They have 70-80 teenagers and an excellent staff who simply get to know kids who (like all of us) need a place to be validated and hear the message of Jesus and his love!

So here's how it's going to work. The drop-in center is from 9-11pm. But since we're serving and helping do ministry for the night... Freedom House Youth gets to have the center to ourselves to play in from 8-9. We'll also get a chance to meet Ray Van Engen (the director). Parents, you're welcome to come take a tour too. I've personally known Ray for a long time and he is Sam Vos's brother in law. He helped with our Flippin' Friday's Ministry a couple of years back so he's a good friend of Freedom House.

We're asking if parents can drop their kids off at the Center at 8pm. The address is 19 Broadway Street West (Google Map embedded in the Blog or linked here) but the center faces on to William Street in Paris. It used to be "Knuckleheads" Bar. Someone will be out front to make sure you find the place. Then... parents... could you pick your son or daughter (and friends) up at 11pm at Why Not? This will give everyone the maximum amount of time in the centre. If your kid is in need of a ride... please let us know and we'll help if it's necessary! We want everyone to be there.

Last week I challenged the youth... "MEET 1 NEW PERSON". We're going out to have fun, and serve... but we're going to be used by God as a vessel to show HIS love to someone else. All we need to do is meet someone new, pray for God to open doors to share more about HIM and then have the courage to do our part! This should be a very exciting night!

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