"Oh No... I forgot the CRANBERRIES" RAK Night

Have you ever been at Aunt Beatrice's house for Thanksgiving and you're just about to sit down at the table for the feast when someone shouts out in horror...

"Oh NO... I forgot the CRANBERRIES!!"

This Friday Night at Youth... we make sure that this will not happen to homes in Brantford.

How? It's RAK Night!

We'll be meeting at the Freedom House City Center at 7pm and heading out into town to do Random Acts of Kindness by giving away Cranberries and through it, reminding people that God LOVES them. After... we'll be headed back to the church for some fun and snacks (so bring money for tuck shop!). Make sure your ride picks you up before the mall doors get locked at 10pm!

See ya then!


Janine McCue said…
Well for one thing I dont have an aunt beatrice but yeah that happens alot

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