Youth Update....
Hey, hey, hey all you wonderful people!! Just wanted to give everyone a quick update on the next few weeks of youth.... For this week we will be meeting at New City Church for a WIRELESS event with the rest of the youth in Brantford. This will be a fun packed event starting at 7:15 and running until 9:30. Your parents need to pick up you up from New City at 9:30 as the event ends. The night will be great and I can't wait to see you all Friday!! NEXT FRIDAY - February 5th We are going to be traveling from the church to Chicopee in Kitchener together to spend 2 hours tubing in the snow! This will be a great night and we were able to get the group rate which makes the night only $20.00 per youth (this includes 2 hours of tubing and travel to and from). We will be meeting at the church for 6:00 and not returning until 11:00 or so. We will likely be stopping for some fast food on the way home so if yo...