
Showing posts from March, 2012

March 30th

This week the guys and gals are splitting up. Guys: 7-10pm at the Nelsons House (4 Tanglewood Terrace) for a hang out night. Bring snacks to share! Gals: 630-9pm-ish at Freedom House for the Gals Gala night! Wear your best! Pull out an old formal or grad dress :) This is a potluck dinner event so bring something to share with everyone! Also, your money is due for Freshwind!!! So if you opted for the payment plan, your last $20 is due, if you haven't paid anything yet, the full $80 is due cuz Freshwind is the following week!!! :)

March 23rd

This Friday we are going to a free city wide concert at New City Church. The address is 190 Lynden Rd. Drop off at 7 pick up at 930pm. Remember to bring your $20 for your weekly Freshwind payment!

March 16th

Hey everyone!! This Friday we are going to have a short service followed by snacks and hang out time :) Be at the church at 7pm-10pm. Please remember we need to know if you are coming to Freshwind by THIS Friday, and if you are doing the payment plan dont forget your next $20! Here's the memory verse for tuck bucks, remember the rules: first 3 people to tell the leader at tuck, and you can't do it till 7pm. And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose Romans 8:28

March 9th

Hey everyone! This week we are going to be having a games night at Freedom House from 7pm-10pm!! :) Remember to bring your first payment for Freshwind. The total is $80 for registration and the hotel - you will need to bring money for your own food with you for the weekend. The payment plan is $20 each Friday until March 30th, or you can just pay the full $80 on March 30th. If you need financial assistance please speak to Sarah or Trevor ASAP. See ya Friday!!